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5 Alternatives to brands that practice animal cruelty

Aanchal Chadda

Even in the 21st century, animal cruelty unfortunately still continues in many well known retailers. Since we encourage you to part from these brands until they can comprehend the severe impacts they have on some of the most vulnerable, we wanted to make the change a little easier by providing alternatives to ones you already use!

Benefit to Too Faced

Swipe your collection of Benefit’s blushes and eyeshadow products with Too Faced’s Sweetheart blush & scented bar palettes!

We know it’s a bummer to see how Benefit ends up donating to so many charities, but unfortunately, they aren’t very kind to the animals they test on in China! No worries! You can purchase Too Faced products anytime on their website One little bonus is that you can actually get a free sample of their bestselling mascara with any purchase of $25 or more as their summer deal! All of us at Lend a Hope encourage you to stock up on your blush palette collections from Too Faced, we promise you won’t miss Benefit for too long :)

Clinique to Tarte

We know you loved your cleansers & wrinkle creams, but how would it be if we offered you an alternative to animal testing. Can we really sleep at night, knowing that our animals are being tested for our youth? No fear, you won’t be feeling guilty anymore! Tarte offers an excellent array of various wrinkle creams and get this, they even sell cleanser sticks to make it easier for travel! Swipe your eye creams for Tarte’s eye brightener treatment! You can be beautiful all year round without being vulnerable to brands that hold animals in cages by switching to Tarte, which is even having pride packaging this summer! No more shopping from brands with animal testing + rainbow packaging = can we switch already?

Elizabeth Arden to Lush

We know Elizabeth Arden is quite a high end luxury brand, but how would you feel if we told you that your alternative would be cheaper, sustainable, and also offer funky bath bombs! That’s right! Lush is 100% vegan and actively takes a role in campaigning against animal testing! Lush also has recyclable packaging, so you are doing a service to animals & the general environment at the same time! Also, Lush gives you samples with any purchase, how cool is that?

Tide to Method Laundry detergents

While many of us might find Tide’s orange aesthetic to be extremely aesthetic, their animal testing policy is so yesterday, After all, how can you call yourself a brand that offers “Loads of Hope” to consumers, but hide the fact that your record with animal testing isn’t as clean as your products may be! But no fear! Method’s Laundry detergent is here to save the day, by having an all around record for cleanliness & care for the vulnerable! And get this! Method’s Laundry detergent is ALSO made from naturally derived resources. No chemicals in our freshly laundered clothes? Yes please!

Pantene to Shampoo + Body Wash by the Honest Co.

Don’t fret! Before we leave, we coudln’t end this blog post without providing an ethical alternative to your hair care! And get this, we found a Shampoo + Body Wash by Honest Co., and it is scented in Sweet Orange Vanilla! We’ll take that any day! You can wash your troubles away on your hair & body, and this just makes the experience even more enjoyable! All of us at Lend a Hope are extremely happy to say that Honest Co. lives up to its name, while providing some other options to your show care in general, which you can check out on their website at

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