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Aarna Sahu

Kindness: The True Act Of Contentment

While this pandemic is affecting our society, by overwhelming us with worry, we must not miss out on the noble deed: kindness. Kindness is a pure act that encourages people to be considerate upon their community. Even though a pandemic is surrounding us, we have to remember to be good. Kindness is the exploitation that makes people thankful and humane. Compassion helps us age gracefully, and reduces stress. Accordingly, read this article to learn about the empowering effect of kindness that takes place, even during this pandemic.

Studies show that kindness influences our mental health. Kinder people age slower and have lesser stress than the average person. Compassion helps change temper, grief, and fear. Research has shown that kindness arouses the production of serotonin, believed to help regulate mood and social behavior, appetite and digestion, sleep, memory, and function. This effect heals wounds, increases happiness, and calms people. Especially during a time like this, kindness needs to be taken action on, due to the Coronavirus. Since generosity helps increase happiness and calms people, we have to be kinder to help us endure this influenza.

Kindness not only avails us, but it also can be utilized, no matter the age. Children at very young ages value friendships, which spark compassion in several different aspects. Teens show consideration by saying compliments or holding the door open for others. By those deeds of generosity, others feel felicitous. Adults show kindness donating items to the homeless, or tipping those who operate at low-income places and work tiredly and laborious. All of these acts of generosity given help people from dwelling on the positive side instead of the negative side. During this pandemic, these acts could be performed, and give off the tension of fellows'.

An example of kindness that could be performed during this pandemic to keep people safe is by simply saying, "Hello." Simple acts like communicating/acknowledging someone's presence gives rise to kindness. Something that I do is, check in on my teachers. During the Coronavirus, on digital meetings, I ask supervisors, parents, and others if they need any additional help or guidance or anything. By asking, I question their doubts, their concerns, their needs, and it just tells them I can help with what they have to do. So, by displaying this act of kindness, I request you, the reader, to help those in your community. Making a thankful list is also another way to represent kindness. Think about all of the things that you are grateful for, and put them down on a list. Then, go to the people that helped you or guided you and thank them.

Psychologically, acts of generosity make us feel grateful, emphatic, and compassionate. These are the positive feelings that give us belonging to the community and happiness. Studies have proven that biologically, kindness releases chemicals oxytocin, which helps us form social bonds based on trust and interaction. Naturally determined, our brain rewards us when we do kind deeds. If you support someone who lost a loved one, your brain can release oxytocin, a hormone that helps us bond with others. These thoughtful actions motion our minds, to release two neurotransmitters. These chemical messengers are serotonin and dopamine. These two chemicals are associated with reducing pain, sadness, and distress.

Hence, during this epidemic that is surrounding our communities, we should be generous to those in our society. Generosity is a pure act that gives people the sense to be considerate. Kindness is the exploitation that makes us feel grateful, empathetic, and compassionate. We must believe that we can be closer and become helpful, while aforementioned, influenza occurs. Therefore, I hope that you will help our community become a better place by being generous.

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